Sunday, November 25, 2007

The First Blog

Dear Kitty:

I hear footsteps above me.

Nobody lives above me, I'm on the top floor. I don't know what's going on.

But there's definately some kind of cuh-thumping a-happenin'.

If I had the energy, or the pants-on, I would totally investigate the hell out of it.

I'd walk outside, down the stairs, and I would stand in the parking lot and look around. Then I'd get distracted--

--there are cat prints on my car's back window. Hmm. Interesting. Also there are like 25 Indians in the apartment below mine. It's like a magic trick, except instead of smelling like a fog machine it smells like curry.

Is that racism?

Because it does smell like curry. I'm pretty sure that makes it 'reporting.'

More importantly, this whole blogging thing is scary and new to me. I've looked at other blogs for guidance. I think I'm supposed to use sporatic pictures.

So here's the logo for my Fantasy Football Team :

Team name: The Sleepy Popes.

So far we're in first place (http://www.peopleuselinksinblogsright/?.com). Take that!

Anyway, I'm gonna take a break now. I'm overstimulated by the entire experience

But I'll be back, I swear.